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Basic usage

Basic Usage

Local Dataset

import lazybids
dataset_dir = './templates/'
ds = lazybids.Dataset.from_folder(dataset_dir, load_scans_in_memory=False)

Remote Dataset (via lazybids-ui server)

import lazybids
connection = lazybids.Connection("http://localhost:8000")
ds = lazybids.connection.get_dataset('ds005360')

Working with BIDS Objects

LazyBIDS represents BIDS data as a hierarchy of objects:

  1. Dataset
  2. Subject
  3. Session
  4. Scan

Each level can be accessed and iterated over using dictionary-like syntax.


for subject in ds.subjects.values():


for ses in subject.sessions.values():


for scan in ses.scans.values():

Accessing Scan Data

LazyBIDS provides multiple ways to access scan data:

# As a SimpleITK Image
# As a numpy array
print(f"Shape: {scan.numpy.shape}")

Memory Management

LazyBIDS allows fine-grained control over memory usage:

  • Use load_scans_in_memory=False when creating a Dataset to avoid loading all scan data into memory
  • Use Dataset.load_scans(), Subject.load_scans(), or Session.load_scans() to load scans selectively
  • Use Scan.load() and Scan.unload() to manage individual scan data

Metadata Access

All metadata for BIDS objects can be accessed via the all_metadata property, which combines information from filenames, JSON sidecars, and NIFTI/DICOM metadata.

Working with Remote Datasets

LazyBIDS integrates seamlessly with the lazybids-ui server, allowing you to work with large, online datasets as if they were local. This feature downloads only the parts of the dataset you need, making it efficient for working with extensive collections.

To use this feature:

  1. Set up a lazybids-ui server
  2. Create a Connection object with the server URL
  3. Use the connection to retrieve datasets and interact with them as you would with local data
connection = lazybids.Connection("")
remote_ds = connection.get_dataset('dataset_name')
Work with remote_ds as if it were a local dataset
for subject in remote_ds.subjects.values():